Natalia Tachynska
︎ Coach-competent author & curator of transformational educational projects in the fields of teams development, leadership, self-actualization, creativity and design thinking
︎Certified HOGAN assessor
︎ Independent consultant for leaders and teams
︎ Art & Creative director with a background in creative advertising on the edge of art and technology, from time to time directs music videos︎
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I create the space for self-exploration and self-actualization through all my projects.
I build an architecture of tools and practices that enable participants to generate their own valuable ideas. This happens in the courses, workshops and 1-to-1 work.
My clients represent the various fields: IT, culture, art, creativity, PR and marketing. Company founders, team leaders, solo-entrepreneurs and freelancers. A-players, Senior and C-level.
︎ The beauty of practices for self-exploration is that it's 360° approach to the personality, not just to the professional identity
Author & curator of educational projects
Author & Curator of the ︎︎"Strategic leadership" course at Projector online institute.
Author & Curator of the ︎︎ “Do • cilno” online course
Curator and lecturer of the ︎︎ Media Growth Course, Personal and Organisational leadership module — a transformational course for top managers of Ukrainian media in partnership with ERSTE Foundation.
Ex-curator and lecturer at ︎︎Kyiv Academy of Media Arts (Digital Art-direction & design course, Advertising&Marketing, Design streams).
Lecturer at Projector online institute (Design thinking and Interactive digital projects).
Lecturer at BAGGAGE school of marketing and communications.
Curated the Taker-Maker community for freelance creatives (video and production sections).
Conducting the corporate workshops, Individual Mentoring & Coaching.
︎︎ Open lecture "Coaching competencies for leaders" (ua)
︎︎ Open lecture "Holistic approach in the development of leader" (ua)
︎︎How to create psychological safety in a team: tips ahead of the Creatice Leadership course (ua)
︎︎ Creative Leadership as a defibrillator for teams: 6 stories from graduates of my Creative Leadership course (ua)
︎︎Create a culture of a feedback and action, instead of toxic politeness. Guide for an effective feedback in team work. L’officiel Ukraine (ru)
︎︎ How musicians engage audience through technology and digital art (ua) Retrospective of the latest 15 years of the international digital music projects and its gems.
︎︎ Blackout: story of creation of the first music video you activate by your run (ua)
︎︎THE FWA interview (en)
︎︎ WEBKAMA Talks (ru) Podscast about digital, the future of creativity and endless opportunities of artificial intelligence.
︎︎ CASES interview (ua) about the work of an art director and valuable qualities of young professionals.
FWA & Webby awards judge
Being passionate about digital craft honored to be a part of the jury board at THEFWA (2015 - present) and the Webby wards (2019- present).
From time to time popping up in judging pannels around the globe:
ADC*E - Art Directors Club of Europe 2019
Integration and innovation
Ad Black Sea Advertising festival 2018
Digital & mobile, Media, Branded content
ADC*E - Art Directors Club of Europe 2017
Interactive & Mobile
White Square 2015
ADC*UA 2015 - present
Interactive & mobile, Promotions, New media
More than 13 years of leading the integrated projects: video, photo, digital production, web design, creative technology and social media.
Being recognised at the local and international festivals, including Webby, European design, Epica, Golden Hammer, EFFIE, ADC * Europe, FWA, Awwwards, CSS Design award, Ad Black Sea, White Square, ADC * UA, KIAF, Wow done awards, Ukrainian design: the very best of.